Using the Seating Disc Balance Cushion to Build Your Core -by Dr. Valerie Girard
What is the Seating Disc Balance Cushion?
If you sit in a chair all day at work, many chiropractors recommend sitting on one of these "stability" cushions as they are called. They are known by a few names such as wobble cushions, stability cushions, seating discs, exercise discs and balance cushions. The cushion is an air-filled thick rubber disc similar to a flattened beach ball. They are used in gyms, physical therapy and by chiropractors for core strength training or it can be used for seating, to improve posture and relieve pressure from the back and spine.
Dr. Girard, as part of her chiropractic practice recommends using the disc to help with balance and building your core. You can stand, kneel and do all kinds of exercises with the disc:
A Chiropractor's Ten Top Exercises Using the Balance Stability Cushion:
Inflate disc with 4 to 5 breaths. Place on floor
1. Stand on disc with both feet and balance with arms out and then arms at side
2. Stand on disc with both feet, close eyes and balance with arms out and then arms at side.
3. Stand on disc with one foot, and balance with arms out and then arms at side. Change to other foot. Close eyes.
4. Stand on disc with both feet, use one 3-10 lb weight in right or left hand and perform one or more of the following: bicep curls, bicep hammers, tricep kick-backs. Switch to other hand.
5. Stand on disc with one foot, use one 3-10 lb weight in right or left hand and perform one or more of the following: bicep curls, bicep hammers, tricep kick-backs. Switch to other hand and switch to other foot.
6. Stand on disc with both feet, perform squats with arms extended in front of body.
7. Stand on disc with both feet, perform squat with one foot, kick one leg to front, diagonal, and back while you do the squat. Switch to other foot.
8. Stand on disc with both feet, put arms out to sides and perform twist and squats.
9. Lay on side on floor, place disc under feet, lift your hips off the floor and balance on your bent elbow or hand and your feet. Lower and raise hips to strengthen side. Switch to other side.
10.Sit on disc and balance with arms and legs extended out in front of you.