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Writer's pictureDr. Valerie Girard

Bladder Control Issues?

Updated: Jan 13, 2019

Get chiropractic treatments. Clinical research has shown that when the L5 nerve is compromised by subluxation or stenosis, the bladder is more susceptible to incontinence.

Stay hydrated with water! Dehydration results in concentrated urine, which then irritates the lining of the bladder. This creates the urge to go when there is a small amount of urine in the bladder. Drink 2 quarts per day!

Maintain an alkaline pH. Eating lots of fruits and vegetables shifts blood and urine to more alkaline, which in turn is less irritating to the bladder.

Watch your weight. Excess weight and incontinence can go hand in hand.

Quit smoking. Nicotine use doubles the likelihood of developing stress or urge incontinence.

Do Kegel exercises while driving or sitting by contracting the pelvic floor.

Get Cold Laser Treatments. Cold laser can decrease inflammation and sooth an irritated bladder, allowing it to function better.

Maintain proper hormone balance. As women age and their hormones decline, the lining of the bladder thins with less estrogen in the body. This causes incontinence, especially with exertion. Certain supplements can be substituted for hormone replacement.

Minimize use of bladder irritants such as:

a. Caffeine

b. Alcohol

c. Carbonated drinks

d. Aspartame (NutraSweet)

e. Spicy foods

f. Citrus

Don’t strain with bowel movements. This can weaken the pelvic floor muscles. Treat your constipation with fiber, water and proper herbs.

Keep your abdominal muscles strong. Strong abs, especially the internal and external obliques, helps keep the abdominal organs in place, which helps prevent bladder prolapse.

Strengthen your bladder with herbs. Uva ursi, horsetail, bladder wrack, dandelion, gosha-jinki-gan, cleavers and saw palmetto all act on the bladder. Many of these herbs are anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, diuretic or create a soothing coating along the inside of the bladder wall.

Bladder lift. With age or after a hysterectomy, the bladder may fall, making it more susceptible to incontinence, especially on exertion. Some women choose to get a surgical procedure that places a net in the abdominal cavity to lift the bladder.

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